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How to Clean your Wool Carpet

Wool carpets are naturally averse to dirt and dust. As they are made from natural fiber, they do not let dust seep in. The dust remains settled on the top layer of the fabric and can be easily cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

However, vacuuming alone is not enough to keep your carpets looking sparkly clean and soft year after year. Here are a few tips to help you care for your wool carpets and keep them looking new and fresh.

Pay Heed to the Carpet Manufacturer’s Instructions

Information and instructions coming straight from the horse’s mouth should never be taken lightly. Manufacturers and retailers of carpets are experts in their field. When they advise you to use a particular type of vacuum cleaner or suggest one specific cleaning agent, you should put faith in their suggestion. Many carpet manufacturers/sellers provide written guidelines on how to clean a carpet, following which will be to your benefit.

Avoid Rented Extraction Machines

The use of rented extraction machines to clean carpets periodically isn’t unheard of. While this is not a bad thing and works fine for some types of carpets, it is an absolute no-no for wool carpets. Wool carpets absorb more water than synthetic ones. The extraction of water and cleansers from the carpet, once the cleaning is done, takes much longer. As a result, the carpet stays moist for longer.

A damp carpet is a breeding ground for germs. It is also challenging to maneuver. Besides, there is always the risk of something going wrong with the machine or the cleaning agents being too harsh on your carpet and damaging it permanently. However, if you insist on cleaning your carpets at home with rented machines, make sure you do not use alkaline cleaning agents for the purpose. Make an effort not to let the carpet get soaking wet.

Opt For Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

This will be an investment worth making to have fresh and clean carpets and grand interiors. You may convince yourself that you can do just as good as the uniformed boys to tackle the spots and the spills, but wool carpets are fragile. One wrong brush stroke or just a little over-scrubbing can leave your carpet looking worn out and permanently damaged.

Opt for long-term benefit over temporary convenience. Professional carpet cleaners in Singapore know which technique to use on which stains, the amount of water needed for cleaning purposes, the best cleaning agents to use, and the like. Moreover, they are trained to clean carpets in Singapore. Let the professionals handle the cleaning for a brighter future for your carpet.

Use Home Remedies to Restore Shine

While a professional clean-up of your carpet may be difficult for you, you can always use a few home remedies to brighten the colors and restore the shine of your carpet.

Water and baking soda can genuinely perk up your carpet. With a sponge dipped in a little sparkling water, give the carpet a good rub, and follow it up with a gentle scrub.

For scrubbing, however, do not use a brush that is too stiff since that can lead to excessive fuzzing of the wool. Once the carpet has dried up somewhat, sprinkle some baking soda all over it. Shake it off after the carpet is thoroughly dried. You can also vacuum it. Your carpet will emerge looking two-to-three shades brighter!

To tackle deep-rooted and stubborn stains, leave the baking soda on for longer — half-a-day or so. Vacuum the carpet after that, and voila! The stains will be gone, and the carpet will smell and look great. Baking soda is a known disinfectant and deodorant.

White vinegar is another excellent solution to remove tough stains. Dilute a small quantity in water and rub the solution gently on the surface of the carpet to remove stains and restore the rug’s shine.

Vacuum Generously

Want soft, clean, and fresh carpets? You cannot afford to be lazy. You need to vacuum at least two to three times a week to keep the dirt and the dust at bay. Use the vacuum cleaner gently on your carpets. Start vacuuming the day your carpets get installed. Make sure the dense traffic areas (i.e., areas that get a lot of foot traffic) get their due attention. Also, ensure you thoroughly vacuum the parts that remain covered by furniture.

The Good News

Woollen carpets do not require as much maintenance as carpets made of other materials. Wool naturally repels dirt; consequently, most of the surface dust can be easily removed by vacuuming. The natural protective outer layer of wool prevents water and other liquids from penetrating the fiber, thus considerably lessening the chances of ugly stains forming.

Wool fibers are naturally elastic. Even after they are crushed or stretched, they revert to their original shape, unlike synthetic fibers, hence heavy furniture placed on a woolen carpet won’t leave any permanent marks. Wool is also extremely luxurious, contributing to the popularity of these carpets. Keep these pointers in mind and enjoy your comfortable and extravagant wool carpet for years to come.

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